Check out my latest work
I've worked on a variety of projects, from simple websites to complex web applications. Here are a few of my favorites.
Legal NER
This application implements BERT to automatically identify legal entities in Indonesian court decision documents. The system is designed to facilitate the extraction of entities such as names, institutions, and legal terms, which are important in the processing and analysis of legal documents.
Tani Tama Capstone Project
In the Bangkit program, I developed a Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) based Machine Learning model for the C23-PC369 project. My responsibilities included designing and training the CNN model and creating API endpoints using Flask for integrating the model into applications. This experience enhanced my skills in Machine Learning and web-based system development.
Sentiment Analysis of Surabaya Zoo
This project is a college assignment from my friend, I was told to help make it so I helped make the code only without implementing it into the website. this project is entitled sentiment analysis of Surabaya zoo reviews using Support Vector Machine (SVM). the dataset used itself from Google Maps reviews, the data is taken by crawling.
Record Keeping System of Savings and Loan Cooperative
This project is a request from my brother who works at a savings and loan cooperative in my home area. the system in this project can create letters by simply inputting the data through the form so that the letter is ready to print. the creation itself uses PHP version 8 and Laravel Version 9.
Price Range Classification Based on Mobile Phone Specifications
This project is the final project of the Datamining course with the title Classification of Price Ranges Based on Mobile Phone Specifications using 3 methods namely KNN, Decission Tree, and Naive Bayes. and implemented using the Streamlit library.
Super Banana
Super Banana is a final project of the Software Project course, this project is done in groups of 4 people. This project raises the problem of a krispi banana seller who is very in demand so that many of the consumers have to queue very long resulting in consumers being bored waiting for it. therefore a krispi banana purchasing system was made called super banana, with this system consumers can buy krispi bananas from their boarding house without having to be bored waiting for orders. making this system using PHP version 8 and also laravel version 9.